Saturday, July 6, 2024

“Getting 2 Know You Pod” with Sean O’Grady

Should I cringe or should I rejoice at the reason someone would want to hear me talk on a podcast for 4 hours?

And if such a human with the necessary attention span to achieve this feat still exists, I wonder who you are? Are you friend or are you foe? Are you my secret admirer, social media creep or my one true love?

Are you a family member, or are you the person I just said hi at the grocery store?

I both cringe and rejoice. And to that, here is the link to the 4 hr podcast episode I recently participated in: 

Listen on Apple or Spotify.

The “Getting to 2 Know You Pod,” hosted by Sean O’Grady felt like a life review for me. Sean’s inquisitive and brilliant mind took me through unexpected twists and turns. Paradoxically I felt I was getting to know myself after experiencing life changing events during 2023.

On the podcast I open up publicly for the first time about my separation from a 20 year marriage and the head on collision that could have taken my life last year in Costa Rica. I also share a bit of how it felt to be a child with extra sensory perception, and my attempts as an adult to map and understand the otherwordly streams of information I sense.

While sharing my ideas on various social media channels prior to 2023 came naturally to me, shit happened and I closed myself off from sharing altogether.

I am left feeling refreshingly vulnerable after the launch of episode 210 of Getting 2 Know You Pod. Vulnerability is good for my ego. I look forward to listening to this episode myself because I do not remember half of what I said; my alien must have taken over at some point and came out to play.

This pod is not for everyone, but if you delight in slowly peeling layer after layer when you get to know someone, you’ll find a wonderful collection of the most eclectic show guests for you to discover. Not only that, they will feel very human and very much within your reach. I much rather listen to this podcast than Joe Rogan’s, since I personally crave the feeling of a close circle of influence rather than large world scale matters that tend to make me feel powerless.

Food for Thought

Take this experience into a deeper layer of personal introspection with the next set of questions as proposed by my 7 Daemons who sit by my side drinking coffee with me:

A. What could possibly drive someone to speak openly about their private life?
B. What values could a person be embodying in the act of speaking about their own life experience?
C. On the flipside, and with shadow work innuendo, what childhood wounds and unmet needs could be at play here for the person speaking about their personal lives?
D. What motivations and values could drive a person to want to listen to the story of a stranger?
E. What is the benefit of listening to the story of strangers?
F. Have you ever been hosted on a podcast, if no would you want to and why?
G. If you have a favourite podcast, what is it about and what does it do for you and how does it make you feel after you listen to it?

And as always, 

With dark musings infused with silver linings, 

And in appreciation of the paradoxes that make us human, 

Truly yours,


“Getting 2 Know You Pod” with Sean O’Grady

Should I cringe or should I rejoice at the reason someone would want to hear me talk on a podcast for 4 hours? And if such a human with the ...